If you are a women who facing problems in losing weight, then you are not alone face this problems. Being overweight carries major risks such as heart disease, high triglycerides, pregnancy complications, type 2 diabetes and some bone density problems. And losing weight as women is not a simple task. What type of problems women face at the time of losing weight? Let’s find out some of the unique problems which a woman faces in her weight loss efforts, so that you can develop strategies to overcome the barriers and reach your goals.
Age and Hormones
These are the common factors. As women get older, they easily gain weight. It can be due to several factors like minimal physical activity, a sedentary job, hormones or adapting unhealthy food habits. Though you can’t do anything for the change in hormone levels due to age, but can overcome the sedentary lifestyle and possibility of adding more body fat at the time of menopause. Try to reduce the extra calories doing some regular workouts which will help you in burning the fats easily.
Women has slow metabolism rate as compared to men. Men can lose weight relatively quickly but women may have some problems maintaining the regular weight loss pace. The higher the percentage of body fat the slower the metabolism rate, making the weight loss process even slower. One way to overcome this slow metabolism rate is to do daily exercise be it weight lifts or in terms of aerobics. It increases the calorie burning process which results in weight loss.
Medical Conditions
Some medical conditions mostly found in women make it difficult for women to lose weight. Polycystic ovarian syndrome is a medical condition where you can find excess male hormones that cause women to gain more weight and you can also face some difficulty in losing weight. Try to have a low carbohydrate diet along with an exercise plan which will manage the insulin in the body and helps in reducing weight. Some women, who have thyroid issues (Hypothyroidism), tend to struggle in losing weight. This can be rectified by taking some prescribed medications by the doctors and following a balanced diet plan with daily exercise.
Busy Lifestyle
Nowadays many women are doing multitasking like they are busy with their career, family obligations, social commitments or studies. In such a busy scheduled lifestyle we will have a little time for food planning, shopping for healthy foods or performing some regular exercises. This lifestyle may make you eat unhealthy fast foods, bring home take-out meals or snacks rather than preparing full meals. All this food due to its high calorie content makes it difficult lose weight. To cut it out these extra calories you need to schedule time for the gym, plan the meal for the week, and carry out some healthy snacks for the day.
A part from all these you can also opt for easy ways for weight loss like diet pills or weight loss supplements. There are many types of weight loss supplements available in the market nowadays. One such weight loss supplement is SlimQuick weight loss pills which is specifically designed for women bodies irrespective of the physical and psychological issues. It is the first advanced fat burner in the world that claims to shed the weight without giving rise to any side effects.